Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Out of control child

My oldest son is driving me over the edge today. First off this morning he decided to try in Pee in his pull-up when it was off of him and ended up peeing on the carpet. He is 5 years old, he knows better than that and it was not the way to start off our day. Then after I get back from an appointment I walk in to find him throwing a fit because Grandpa had told him he couldn't do something. I warn him to calm down or he will have to go to his room after the warning he still continued so I sent him to his room. Grandpa had to carry him up to his room and then Clayton proceeded to kick and hit the door and scream at the top of his lungs. So if followed up there and gave him an attitude adjustment across his butt and told him he had to stay in his room for an hour. After that I gave him lunch and then he began fighting with his brother Eli. Everything Eli had or was doing Clayton had to have so he was taking it away from him. After a number of times outs he finally left Eli alone but then he started abusing the cat.

It is taking every ounce of my being to keep myself from screaming at the top of my lungs at him. I don't understand where this behavior is coming from this is not like him and why all of a sudden is he acting out like this? No matter what the reason is it still does not excuse his behavior.

I guess all I can do is pray that God will give me the patience and strength to get through the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Christina said...

growing pains maybe?
testing you out and seeing if you will stand your ground (which I know you will).

Maybe he has cabin fever from being home all day instead of school.

just some thoughts, none of which bring you comfort I know.