Friday, February 22, 2008

The start of my day

Today probably started off as bad as it could get. My oldest (Clayton) got up and told me he wet his bed so I said "Ok, lets go clean it up and change the sheets." After removing the sheets I heard the baby (Ben) and so I went to go get him up and he had wet through his diaper so I had to change his sheets too, not a big deal it was time to wash sheets anyway. Well then Eli my middle son woke up and as I entered his room I'm hit with the very foul smell of poop. Then I got a good look at him. Yes, he was poopy and it was all over him, his hands, pj's, hair, everywhere. I took him to the bathroom and put him in the shower with my husband and then went back to his room. There I found that it was all over the sheets, wall, curtains, window and 2 Pooh bears. Yes, we had 2 Pooh's with poo on them. Then to top it all off the cat vomited on the floor in the middle of the hallway. Needless to say I've spent the day doing laundry and cleaning a child's bedroom. Luckily I get to go to the Women's Winter Escape tonight at church!! Yeah, I can escape this mess for a little while.

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