Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Hearts at Home God Story

On Saturday afternoon I was standing near the ISU Information Booth just trying to help where ever needed when Kelly Hughes came and said “We are short on people in the prayer room would you feel comfortable praying with a mom?” and I said “Yes I can do that.” As she was taking me to the mom in need of prayer I asked God to give me the words this mom needed to hear. Kelly pointed to the mom and I went and sat down with her, she was crying and writing out her prayer request. I glanced over at what she was writing and immediately started to cry myself. She looked at me and I said “I’m just going to cry with you if that’s ok with you, would you like to talk about this before we pray?” She explained to me that her 19month old daughter may have a hearing impairment and how she was blaming herself for not having her hearing checked sooner and that she should have known. She felt responsible for the hearing loss and she just didn’t know what to do next. As I was crying I looked at her and said “I know exactly how you feel, I have been through the same thing with my oldest son.” She then looked at me with shocked eyes and began asking me a ton of questions. After talking a bit I prayed with her and she thanked me and said “I can’t believe God sent you to me. I’ve wanted to come in here all day and I should have come sooner.” And then I told her that she came at the perfect time because I never work in the prayer room and that someone just came and asked me if I could come and pray with you. We both began to cry again as we realized how amazing God really is. After we parted I found Kelly and asked her if she knew what this mom needed prayer for because I just need to confirm that it was really God bring us together and she told me she had no idea and why was I asking so I told her what happened. We hugged and cried and then went on with the rest of our day, but I will never forget how powerful of an experience this was.

This story actually doesn’t end here because God has used it to bless me in another way. I realized that I needed this experience just as much as this mom did. With my recent diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis I was feeling rather down and angry that something else was happening to me and my family. I couldn’t understand why God was allowing this to happen, but now I know that there is a reason and I know that I will get through it. I remembered feeling this same way when we were going through the hearing loss with Clayton, but now I have been able to use that experience to help others. And now with the Rheumatoid I know that God has a plan and it could be that there are others out there who will be able to bless me with their experience and/or someday I will be able to return that same blessing to another mom going through the same thing. God is so amazing!!

I hope that every mom that enters that prayer room leaves with the knowledge of knowing that God has brought them the perfect person to pray with them.

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