Friday, April 4, 2008

So Many Things

I have got so many things on my mind and I'm not to sure what to do or how to handle everything.
Here is a list:
Eli's upcoming surgery
My RA and deciding a treatment plan
What diet is best and can I really stick to it
Should I take a vitamin supplement
What will the Medications do to me
Choosing a School for Clayton
Will he get into Metcalf
Do we send him to public school or find a private school
Do we home school
Should we move so we can be in a different school
We have so much work to do on this house before we can sell it
Fix Clayton and Eli's bedrooms
Paint the fence
Fix the basement
Fix the playroom walls
MOPS - can we move to a new location and what will my role be
I feel like a horrible friend sometimes because I haven't kept in touch with my friends like I should be.
My mom worries a lot and I do my best to let things go, but sometimes I feel like I'm being bombarded and I hate worrying. I know that God will take care of me I just need to know that I'm on the right path.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Just to let you know I prayed for you. =)